hi, i'm gary for expert village. just likegoogle helped us with finding information regarding the weather, or regarding airlineinformation and movie times, you can be sure that google will also help us with financialinformation. we can put our stock quotes, our symbols right into the search bar andwe can find our financial results right away. so, let's take for example a, some popularsearch terms, some symbols, stock symbols
google stock price , and we see that when we put in the call letterswe get, the first entry we get is the actual, most recent quote, we see that that was fromwhen the market closed, the last price at the close of the market, on friday, whichwas the last day the market was open. we see that our first result is the actual stockquote, and other charting, chart and information,
so if we want more detailed information wealso can go right away to these six sites that we can, that google gave us, that wecan get more information, and more detailed

analysis, and if we want more than just theprice. so, this is a very helpful tool, that not only will it give us the price of thestock, but it will also help us find six of the most relevant sites that will give usmore detailed information and it really narrows down our search.