i wanted to give you an introductioninto stock screeners so that you can learn how to use them yourself. potentially be self-sufficient when it comes to finding really high-qualitypenny stocks which are going to make a big difference to you with turning asmall investment into something much more meaningful.
finance yahoo , there are nearly 10,000 penny stocks outthere trading in the north american markets and the vast vast majority ofthese stocks are not wise investments they're mostly financial train wrecks, alot of them are terrible for shareholders to try and make any profitsfrom. the way to cut through a lot of
this garbage is to use a stock screenerwhere you can put in certain criteria and parameters and the screen is onlygoing to show you a list of stocks which meet your criteria. so if you're lookingat stocks between two dollars and four dollars that are a certain industry groupor which have a certain price to earnings ratio, it will only return those resultsto you and you've got a short list and got rid of a lot of the garbage and thenmaybe you can look one-by-one through those. this is what we do at peterleeds.com will do a screen and we'll clear out a lot of the garbage we know wedon't want stocks that trade on the pink sheets or the dark markets. we know thatwe want stocks that trade at five dollars
each per share or less. we also look at alot of fundamental and financial ratios to make sure that we're looking intogood quality companies so that you're looking at low priced, high quality investmentswhich typically rise to the top over time. there are a lot of stock screenersout there; there's google screener there's screeners through your broker, there's a lot of paid services online, there's even some free ones like i saidthe google one there's one, with yahoo finance has one, and there's a marketwatch one. the problem with almost all of thescreeners which i personally have looked
into and tried out, is that they'repretty clunky a lot of a rudimentary. some of them have some of limitationsabout which parameters you can put into your screens in which you can't. whichmakes it problematic because then you're having an influence from whicheverservices providing the screener, they're influencing which kinds of stocks you'regoing to be pulling up. which is not good from an investment perspective especiallywhen the odds are against you in that about ninety-five percent of the pennystocks out there are terrible investments or not you know high qualitycompanies that you want to get involved with. so a good screener that we like youknow we use a few through stockwatch but
that's a paid one, we tried the googlescreener it's clunky and not useful all the brokers talking about td waterhouse, scotia i trade and even the paid services we're not happy with them in general.however, one of the screeners that we do like is through finviz.com financialvisibility. you can put in a lot of parameters, it's not perfect they'remissing a few things but it's a good enough screener to help you get a start. when it comes to penny stocks there are certain things you should be looking forthat is a bit different than you would if you're doing a screen for blue-chipor large-cap companies. so for example you can set the price to be shares thatare between say between four dollars and two
dollars, and stocks that are traded onthe major markets. maybe you want to make sure that they've traded in thelast few days, and or that they have a certain market cap, or they have acertain amount of shares traded every day, or certain amount of sharesoutstanding. now you can screen for revenue levels, you can screenfor even some technical indicators like we have a video about the hammer pattern, sometimes you can do a screen and show you stocks which are in that situation. now only just now as i'm recording this video i realize that it's going to bereally long video and really complicated video to go over all this stuff rightnow on camera so what we're going to do
is we're going to put a whole blog entryabout which types of parameters to put in your stock screens when it comes topenny stocks and if you abide by these then you're going to be cutting away alot of the garbage stocks that are out there from among thousands thousands ofthem and you're going to get a short list of hopefully if you do enough screening ofmaybe 50 stocks or a couple of dozen that you can sit down and go one by oneand go through each company you know it's kind of like we do at peterleeds.com we'll call the ceo, we'll look at all the financial ratios, we'lllook into all the technical ratios, we'll check out the trading charts. now if youcome over to peterleeds.com and check
out the blog we're going to do a wholeblog about which parameters to put in your screens when it comes to pennystocks. you guys are going to really benefit from this, you're going to reallylove it and i hope it's helpful. i know i changed this video on the fly aswe're recording it. i hope that video was helpful to you, and i do hope that youcome over to peterleeds.com to check out the blog that we're going to put up inthe next few days and you guys are awesome. if you want to keep following along with us for some more videos just like this, please subscribe to thechannel so that you're on board and we

can keep sending you the videos as theycome out every wednesday and every
sunday. thanks so much you guys areawesome, take care.